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New Year’s Resolutions and Eating Disorder Recovery 

Updated on 12/6/2022 As the end of the year approaches, many of us are making New Year’s resolutions. But how effective…

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No Name-Calling Week 2020

Sticks and stones may break our bones, but names will break our spirit. – from The Misfits by James Howe The…

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Weight-Based Bullying Is Trauma: Why No Name-Calling Week Is Important

Each January the national organization GLSEN calls attention to bullying with “No Name-Calling Week.” Although GLSEN is an organization focused on…

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New Year's resolutions and eating disorders can be tricky.
New Year’s Resolutions and Eating Disorders: 4 Tips for Goal-Setting

As the new year approaches, it’s tempting to think about New Year’s resolutions. News article after news article talks about strategies…

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Remaining Body Positive Through the Holidays

As the holiday season makes its annual appearance, many look forward to the warmth of fireplaces, the unity of family, the…

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should I seek treatment during winter break
Should I Seek Treatment During Winter Break?

Here are a few things to consider when determining whether seeking eating disorder treatment during winter break is right for you….

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5 Tips for Coping with an Eating Disorder During the Holidays

When you’re in recovery from an eating disorder, the holiday season, though it may bring significant joy and excitement, may also…

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You can continue intuitive eating on Thanksgiving.
Bringing Intuitive Eating to Thanksgiving

Intuitive eating is an empowering path for those of us recovering from eating disorders and diet culture. With intuitive eating, we…

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Eating Disorders and Sweets: Getting through Halloween

For those with an eating disorder, Halloween can be a challenging time. Eating disorders and sweets do not typically go together…

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All Foods Fit on Halloween

As the unofficial start of the fall and holiday season, Halloween is equal parts scary, silly and sugary-sweet. As kids are…

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