For those with an eating disorder, Halloween can be a challenging time. Eating disorders and sweets do not typically go together easily, so all that holiday candy can increase stress and hamper recovery. However, it is possible to enjoy Halloween while in recovery from an eating disorder, especially with some planning.

Marshal support.

Friends, family, and treatment team members are all integral parts of the support system in eating disorder recovery. While the treatment team can teach coping skills designed to mitigate heightened anxiety, it takes real-world practice to solidify those skills. Therefore, friends and family members can be tremendous allies. Bringing a friend to a gathering provides empathy and backup should things get too intense. If a friend can’t be there in person, create a plan to call or text them for support.

Have a plan, but be flexible.

When faced with uncertainty, the eating disorder voice is likely to become stronger. Therefore, planning ahead helps anticipate potential pitfalls and perils. However, we cannot always predict all possibilities, so flexibility is just as important. Viewing a plan like a roadmap helps: there is a preferred route, but unexpected detours can happen.

Think through the future event. What could potentially happen, and how might you react? Sketch out possible scenarios and responses.

Eat regular meals.

When it comes to eating disorders and sweets, it is tempting to “save up” for sweet treats later eating disorders and sweetsin the day. The temptation to undereat in anticipation of a social gathering or trick-or-treating can be strong, but it rarely works as expected. Skipping meals comes at a price, both physically and psychologically. Regular nourishment helps regulate mood and energy, so skipping meals can make it more difficult to cope with stressors. Eating too little also sets up the likelihood of a binge later in the day.

Give permission for self-care.

Self-care is not all bubble baths and pedicures. Self-care is any activity meant to foster all areas of health: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Because eating disorders are ultimately not about food, self-care extends beyond the trick-or-treat pail.

Giving yourself permission to act in your own best interest creates a very flexible framework. It allows for in-the-moment decisions that best support recovery. Therefore, there is no objective right or wrong choice. For example, it might mean giving yourself permission to eat candy or dessert to practice dealing with challenging foods. Or you might decline an offer of candy, especially if it feels like someone else is pushing their own agenda.

Setting personal boundaries is also a form of self-care. For perfectionists and people pleasers, setting a boundary may feel rude. However, it is quite the opposite. Boundaries provide emotional safety by honoring your personal values, needs, and rights. What might this look like? It could be as simple as declining a party invitation if you don’t wish to go, but you’re worried it’ll hurt the other person’s feelings. Personal boundaries help us to be responsible for our own thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, without taking on the responsibilities that belong to someone else.

Maintain self-compassion.

Above all else, maintain self-compassion. From that stance, setbacks fall into perspective. “I had a tough night tonight, but I’m doing the best I can,” moves recovery forward. However, thoughts like “I am such a failure” easily triggers a downward spiral of restriction, bingeing, and/or purging. Like any other skill or mindset shift, treating yourself with compassion takes practice. When it comes to eating disorders and sweets, Halloween is a definite challenge that can also foster healing.

If you find yourself or a loved one struggling with an eating disorder, especially during the holidays, we’re ready to help. Contact Center for Discovery to get the right care for your needs.

Barbara Spanjers, MS MFT is a therapist and wellness coach who helps people feel more attuned with food and their body.

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