Updated on 2/13/2923

Eating disorders have an established link to trauma. Studies have shown time and again that trauma makes us more likely to develop an eating disorder like anorexia or bulimia, but binge eating disorder (often shortened to BED) is often left out of this discussion. The truth is that the connection between trauma and binge eating disorder is strong, even compared to other eating disorders. So, what’s the reason for this link? And how can treatment help overcome both trauma and binge eating?

Understanding Trauma, PTSD and Binge Eating

“Trauma” is an umbrella term that encompasses a vast array of experiences and feelings. Broadly speaking, trauma is an experience that is disturbing to such a degree that it interferes with our ability to cope. Trauma can cause feelings of hopelessness, guilt, shame and panic. It can even cause some individuals to dissociate as a means to self-protect.

Binge eating disorder is characterized by episodes of eating large quantities of food, often to the point of feeling pain. People with binge eating disorder usually grapple with feelings of helplessness, shame, guilt and distress both after a binge and around the pattern of bingeing. Sometimes those with binge eating disorder are driven to behaviors like overexercising or purging to “make up” for their binges.

Binge eating is something that is done in secret. People with binge eating disorder may decline to eat around others, or eat smaller portions in the presence of other people, and then binge when they are alone. In fact, people who live with bingeing may not even be aware of it — until they find “evidence” of a binge, such as food wrappers and empty containers, refrigerators depleted of food or unusual grocery bills on a shared credit card. The secrecy of binge eating disorder, and the shame over bingeing that many people experience, can make it difficult to receive a diagnosis.

Binge Eating and Restriction

Something many people with binge eating disorder have in common is a cycling between restrictive dieting and bingeing. Unfortunately, many people with binge eating disorder turn to restrictive diets, attempting to “correct” their bingeing and gain control over their relationship with food without realizing that their solution to the “problem” of their bingeing is often the cause. People with binge eating disorder often engage in multiple restrictive or fad diets, or cut out entire food groups and then binge in secret.

The reason for this is the way the brain and body respond to deprivation. Bodies need fuel to run. When deprived of nutrition through undereating, the brain sends out alarm signals that tell us to eat, eat, eat. And people with binge eating disorder can stay stuck in this vicious cycle of famine and feast for years. The damage it can do to the body can be extreme, with weight cycling, gastrointestinal disorders like acid reflux, heart problems, anemia and electrolyte abnormalities being common effects of binge eating disorder.

How Trauma Influences Eating Disorders and Binge Eating

So, while research shows that there is a link between trauma and binge eating, science is still working to understand why this connection exists. There are some theories about the relationship between trauma and binge eating, however.

Emotional Regulation and Eating Disorders

People who have PTSD or a history of trauma typically have a hard time regulating their emotions. In fact, this is one of the key symptoms of PTSD. This means that in a situation where individuals without a trauma history might be distressed but able to manage the stressor, people with trauma have a harder time regulating their fight-or-flight response and getting past a difficult moment. They may feel these emotions more sharply and intensely than people who have not had traumatic experience do. Food can be used, in those moments, as a means to self-soothe and manage intense negative emotions.

Food is much more than nutrition. It is tied to our senses, our memories and our emotions. So, naturally, eating food that is associated with positive memories and experiences can be incredibly comforting. We all experience this to some degree, when tucking into certain dishes or foods that are linked to positive emotions and memories. The act of eating certain kinds of food can even cause the release of chemicals in our brains that make us feel happier and calmer. For people with trauma and binge eating disorder, they may turn to food for comfort to help them cope with strong negative feelings.

Self-Blame, Guilt and Self-Harm

A common symptom of trauma-related disorders is self-harm. Survivors of trauma can be plagued with intense feelings of guilt, shame and self-loathing. Some people may even feel that they are to blame for what happened to them. As a result, people who are coping with trauma often engage in self-destructive patterns and self-harm. Binge eating, the restrict/binge cycle and dieting may be part of a pattern of self-punishment and self-harm.

Transphobia and Eating Disorders

The transgender community is at an increased risk for eating disorders, due to high rates of discrimination and transphobia resulting in poor mental health outcomes. One study showed that rates among use of diet pills, vomiting and laxatives was used highest among transgender adults.

Trauma and Eating Disorders in Men

Among individuals with eating disorders, men represent 36% of those with binge eating disorder. The majority of males with eating disorders are heterosexual, though eating disorders also affect a higher proportion of males who identify as gay or bisexual than females. Men with eating disorders often suffer from other conditions such as anxiety, depression and substance use.

Eating Disorders and Sexual Trauma

Studies have shown an increased prevalence of sexual trauma in eating disorders, and that sexual trauma was associated with several different types of eating disorder symptoms. A rate of sexual trauma was found in 56 of 95 eating disorder patients (59%), which is much higher than the rates of sexual trauma in the community: roughly 30%.

Treating Trauma and Binge Eating

Binge eating and the effects of trauma are both treatable. Because they are so closely linked, it is often helpful to treat them together. Addressing the root causes of both binge eating and the trauma behind it leads to better outcomes.

Individuals with trauma and binge eating should seek trauma-informed care. Trauma-informed care is designed to respect and respond to trauma at all levels, from administration to those providing direct care. Treatment can be a tricky time for those with trauma, as they may find themselves triggered or even re-traumatized by practitioners who are not familiar with trauma responses.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Binge Eating Disorder

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is often used to treat both trauma and binge eating. CBT is a goal-oriented approach to treatment that takes a practical, hands-on approach to mental illnesses. Instead of mining through childhood events or picking apart the various components and causes of binge eating disorder, it focuses on the individuals’ thought patterns and behaviors that impact them now. For instance, someone with binge eating disorder may feel “out of control” around certain food groups or their favorite foods.

Intuitive Eating for Healing Binge Eating Disorder

Another key to treating binge eating disorder is working on healing our relationship with food, weight, and our bodies. In many cases, bingeing is brought on by attempts to diet or eat restrictively. Bingeing can also damage our bodies’ natural cues that let us know when we’re hungry, when we’re satisfied, and when we’re full. Intuitive eating is all about getting back in touch with those natural signals, and reconnecting with food as a source of nourishment, comfort, pleasure and sheer matter of practicality. Intuitive eating allows all foods, so cutting out food groups because they are “bad” or “unhealthy” is not part of the equation anymore.

By making peace with food and stopping the restrict-binge cycle, people with trauma and binge eating disorder can work to develop healthier and more effective methods of coping.

If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, don’t hesitate to contact us at Center for Discovery today.

Photo of authorLinda Gerhardt works in nonprofit technology by day, creating content, blogs, and training materials for the nonprofit sector. By night, she is a freelance writer focusing on Health at Every Size, Intuitive Eating and fat activism. She runs a blog called Fluffy Kitten Party where she writes about health, weight discrimination and diet culture. She lives in Northern Virginia with her husband and their adopted pets. 

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American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. 5th ed. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Association.