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Media is Causing Eating Disorders
While You Were Sleeping: Sleep Awareness Week

The National Sleep Foundation is celebrating its annual Sleep Awareness Week, March 10 to 16, 2019. This year’s theme “Begin with…

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International Women’s Day: Eating Disorder Recovery

International Women’s Day takes place March 8th, 2019 and this year’s theme is Balance For Better, which incorporates focusing on a…

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Rainbow flag for LQBTQ awareness.
Eating Disorders in Minorities: Part 2

When marginalized individuals develop eating disorders, it’s often not due to a singular desire to be thin. After all, eating disorders…

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Eating Disorders and Minorities: Part 1

While eating disorder awareness has improved in the United States, there still seem to be many misconceptions regarding the “types of…

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Cultural Significance in the Treatment of Eating Disorders

Many cultures around the worldview food as a way to nourish the body and bring people together without having anything to…

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Online Eating Disorder Support Groups

We live in a digital age where we can interact with anyone across the globe at the ease of our fingertips…

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Self-Injury Awareness Day: March 1st, 2021

March 1 represents Self-Injury Awareness Day (SIAD), an international awareness day that is dedicated to learning about behaviors like “cutting” and…

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NEDA Awareness Week: The Importance of Eating Disorder Support Groups

Eating disorder treatment consists of being around others, engaging in conversation, having a mentor, and being held accountable on a daily…

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Activism in the Eating Disorder Community

“Don’t let complexity stop you. Be activists. Take on the big inequities. It will be one of the great experiences of…

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National Eating Disorder Awareness Week

Inclusivity in the Eating Disorder World The term “inclusivity” refers to the practice or policy of including people who would otherwise…

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