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Overview of Orthorexia

Overview of Orthorexia An overview of orthorexia is an eating disorder characterized by having an unhealthy obsession with healthy food. The…

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Is Fast Food the New Painkiller?

The addiction circuit in the brain is wired to release dopamine, a feel good neurotransmitter that is increased in the limbic…

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How Eating Disorder Treatment and Addiction Treatment Compare

The brain’s reward pathway is stimulated by food, alcohol and drugs which all trigger the reward center of the brain by…

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National Depression Screening Day October 5th

During Mental Illness Awareness Week on Oct. 1-7, 2017, National Association for Mental Illness (NAMI) and other mental health participants across…

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The Use of Modern Medicine in the Treatment for Eating Disorders

Modern medicine is responsible for preventing or curing many diseases in today’s world. Unfortunately, there is no vaccine, no preventative measure,…

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The Truth About Polysubstance Abuse

Polysubstance abuse refers to the consumption of one or more illicit substances over a defined period or simultaneously. It was once…

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Overview of Stimulants

Overview of stimulants or “uppers” are chemicals that induce feelings of euphoria, a racing heartbeat and alertness in the body. These…

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Causes and Risk Factors of Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder that is often greatly misinterpreted and misunderstood by society and the media. The desire to…

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