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The Dangers of Dieting and How to Adopt Mindful Eating

The Dangers of Dieting Pretty much everyone has heard of, or maybe even tried, a fad diet. Whether you were all…

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Young woman happy sleep on bed in morning time
The Importance of Sleep in Eating Disorder Recovery

Updated on 3/3/2023 Sleep is an important component of eating disorder recovery and overall wellness. Lack of sleep can create many…

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Signs and Symptoms of an Eating Disorder

Disordered eating describes a variety of abnormal eating behaviors that do not yet fit the criteria for an eating disorder. The…

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arfid in adults
ARFID in Adults: Not Just a Disorder of Childhood

Avoidant-restrictive food intake disorder, commonly known as ARFID, is an eating disorder characterized by the persistant refusal to eat specific foods…

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Five Disorders that Mimic Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that has the highest mortality rate out of any mental health disorder. Anorexia nervosa is…

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How Can I Tell if My Child Has Anxiety?

An anxiety disorder is characterized by an irrational, persistent and overwhelming sense of fear and worry that interferes with daily activities….

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How Can I Help my Child During an Anxiety Attack?

Anxiety attacks, formally known as panic attacks, are scary. As a parent, it can be extremely devastating to witness your child…

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How to Treat my Child’s Anxiety Disorder?

Anxiety disorders are known to affect 25% of children between 13 and 18 years of age and can severely interfere with…

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Tips for Parents to Stand Up Against Bullying

As adults, we tend to downplay or underestimate the amount and seriousness of bullying that occurs in our children’s schools. Bullying…

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Versus Depression

Depression is a leading cause of disability in the United States and with so many different signs and symptoms, it can…

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