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COVID-19 Precautions

COVID-19 Precautions

August 7, 2020

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, DBH has instituted more than 20 policies and procedures designed to keep our facilities impeccably clean and staff for staff and patients. These are just a few:

  • Consistency in the provision of testing and testing protocols
  • Door Screening
  • Face Mask Donning & Doffing
  • Preventative Cleaning and Disinfecting policies including daily and weekly checklists.
  • Prevention Management and Response Plans to complement current infection control measures, further aiding in the prevention, management and response to COVID-19.
  • Testing, Positive Contact Tracing and Response Flow Charts) to define when and how to administer COVID-19 tests for employees or patients.
  • Grocery shopping & Mail delivery Safety
  • Personal Protective Equipment, including proper use, storage and maintenance
  • Social Distancing Procedures


June 5, 2020 Update

Because the safety and health of our patients and staff is top priority, we have enacted a COVID Clean Commitment for all facilities. This means that we are committed to the following standards of enhanced environmental cleanliness at every facility:

  • Frequent sanitizing of light switches, door handles and knobs
  • Cleaning individual-use items after each use
  • Cleaning group rooms after use and sanitizing the milieu at least once per day
  • Screening each new admission multiple times prior to arrival at the facility
  • Screening all staff, patients and visitors at the door prior to entering our buildings 
  • Requiring all staff to wear face coverings while in the facility; face coverings are strongly recommended for all patients and visitors

May 28, 2020 Update

Center for Discovery continues to make patient and staff safety our highest priority during the COVID-19 pandemic. As we begin to reopen a number of facilities for in-person treatment, we are taking measures to ensure health is at the forefront of our operations. Here are steps we’re taking in our facilities:

  • Providing masks for all patients; requiring masks for all staff & vendors
  • Screening for symptoms and taking the temperatures of all individuals before entering the facility and throughout the day (if indicated)
  • Extensive cleaning and sanitizing protocols based on recommendations from an external environmental consulting company
  • Practicing social distancing as required and exercising standard precautions (PPE), increased hand hygiene stations and informational signage

Resuming an in-person community atmosphere is beneficial to behavioral health treatment. We are eager to provide this support while continuing to follow CDC guidelines.

May 7, 2020 Update

Discovery Behavioral Health, Inc. continues to make patient safety and health our highest priority during the COVID-19 Pandemic. We have worked with industrial and cleaning experts to implement proactive cleaning protocols with the aim of reducing the risk of infection, illness and cross-contamination. Our staff is trained and supervised regularly to help ensure these cleaning protocols are fully implemented.

April 28, 2020 COVID-19 Update

We continue to make sure that the safety and health of our patients and staff is top priority. Please note the latest guidelines as it relates to face coverings and cleaning protocols at our facilities:

Face coverings

  • We recommend that our staff wears face coverings/face masks if deemed appropriate based on the circumstances.
  • We encourage clients to wear face coverings/face masks if deemed appropriate based on the circumstances.


  • We have consulted with outside cleaning professionals to develop and implement preventive cleaning protocols for our facilities.

March 23, 2020 COVID-19 Update

To ensure the safety of our patients and our staff, we are transitioning our in-person outpatient programming to telehealth programming for intensive outpatient and partial hospitalization levels of care. Telehealth Behavioral Healthcare Services from Center for Discovery will soon be available in all the states where we offer outpatient care and follows the same programming as our in-person outpatient programs.
Currently Offering Telehealth Behavioral Treatment Programming


Disaster & Distress Resources

March 16, 2020 COVID-19 Update

We take the health and safety of our patients and staff very seriously. We are keeping up with the rapidly changing information around coronavirus (COVID-19). We are following the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations to help prevent the spread of any illness within our facilities.


Environmental Cleaning

We have enhanced our environmental cleaning within our facilities to include frequent cleaning of commonly touched surfaces and increasing hand hygiene for patients and staff. In addition to this we have also increased the deep cleaning that is being done daily within the facilities.


Staff Precautions

We are educating and asking staff and clients to:

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Wash hands on a regular basis


CDC Recommended Patient Screening

In January we began to implement CDC recommend patient screening for all new admission prior to arrival to the facility and once again when they have arrived at the facility. You will see new signage outside of our buildings asking those with symptoms to not enter.


Ongoing Monitoring

As the situation continues to evolve, we will monitor and heed any recommendations from the CDC or local department of public health to close our facilities to those who are not there to participate in a patient’s therapeutic process.

As we continue to monitor the situation, we will keep you informed of any decision we make to modify treatment such as shifting to the use of telehealth or adjusting schedules of events. Our goal is to keep patients, their families, and our staff safe and informed during this time.