Taking an eating disorder seriously Taking an Eating Disorder Seriously

It may not seem like eating disorder behavior is something that you should take seriously at first. Your adolescent may claim to want to lose some weight, or that they are eating someplace else, not at home. There are plenty of excuses that may allow you and your teen to pass it off as nothing, until the eating disorder behavior becomes a serious threat to your teen’s health and well-being.

Early Prevention

If you believe that your teen or adolescent may be dealing with disordered eating, it is critical that you do not dismiss that feeling. Taking early steps to find out, by talking to your child’s doctor or talking to an eating disorder center that can give you more information, can offer you more perspective on current behaviors as well as information about potential future behaviors.

Eating disorders can be life threatening for teens and adolescents when not diagnosed and treated. Do not underestimate the seriousness or the complexity of eating disorders. For more information about eating disorders, including some warning signs of eating disorders, as well as some suggestions on what you can do for your child if you suspect that they have an eating disorder. Please visit our Parent Guide for dealing with Teen Eating Disorders.