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Stress and Binge Eating during Midterm Exams

Starting college is a time of freedom, intellectual exploration, and personal development. However, it is also typically stressful. Eating disorders among…

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Signs and Symptoms of an Eating Disorder

Disordered eating describes a variety of abnormal eating behaviors that do not yet fit the criteria for an eating disorder. The…

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Using Somatic Experiencing to Treat Eating Disorders and Trauma

Trauma is the emotional and physiological aftermath of an event; it is not the event itself, it is the individual’s experience…

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Maintaining Recovery During Holiday Traditions

Maintaining recovery during holiday traditions is hard. The holiday season is the time of year most associated with traditions, many of…

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Emotional Eating

Emotional eating is loosely defined as eating in response to negative or stressful emotions or using food to dull or avoid…

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Distress Tolerance

Distress Tolerance Skills The holidays usually mean lots of time with family and frankly, that can sometimes spell stress. Recovering from…

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