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Co-occurring Disorders in Teenagers: Cocaine and Anxiety

Cocaine and Anxiety Anxiety commonly occurs in the teenage population due to the many changing factors associated with this life stage….

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How Can I Tell if My Child Has Anxiety?

An anxiety disorder is characterized by an irrational, persistent and overwhelming sense of fear and worry that interferes with daily activities….

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Is There More Than One Type of Childhood Anxiety?

Anxiety disorders in children are characterized by a sense of overwhelming, persistent and unrealistic fear and worry. Anxiety can result in…

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How to Treat my Child’s Anxiety Disorder?

Anxiety disorders are known to affect 25% of children between 13 and 18 years of age and can severely interfere with…

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The Relationship Between Trauma and Eating Disorders

Trauma can come in all forms; from witnessing a brutal murder or having experienced abuse first handedly to being involved in…

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Bullying and its Effects on Body Image and Eating Disorders

Bullying can occur among individuals of any weight and at any age. It is often defined as unprovoked aggressive behavior repeatedly…

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