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Fostering a Positive Relationship with Food for Your Children

Parents have the responsibility and privilege to intentionally make their homes a refuge from diet culture. Abandoning food rules helps foster…

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How to Stay Away from Diet Culture During COVID-19
Latest Food Labeling Research Upholds Diet Culture

How many minutes of running would a person have to do to burn off a Big Mac? Or a salad, for…

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How to Stay Away from Diet Culture During COVID-19
The Harm in Disordered Eating

The Panic I felt the lump in my throat as I looked around. The smell of fresh grilled meat filled the…

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Woman smiling at the pool.
Diet Culture: How It Hurts and How to Heal

The saying goes that sometimes you can’t see the forest for the trees. Diet culture is similar, in that it permeates…

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Weight Stigma Hurts Everybody

Weight stigma, also known as weight bias, refers to negative attitudes, stereotypes, or discrimination based on larger body size. When people…

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