5949 Oakdale Road
McLean, VA 22101
PH 800.760.3934
Hours 24/7
Residential Treatment
Female Identifying
Ages 18+

Center for Discovery McLean is a high level of care eating disorder treatment facility that offers care to female and non-binary (regardless of sex assigned at birth) patients age18 years and older. This treatment facility opened in May 2017 and is located just outside of Washington D.C.
Center for Discovery McLean is an eight-bed estate-like home. This treatment center has weekly restaurant outings as a way to expose patients to all types of food and offers weekly food exposure groups as well as individual dietary sessions twice a week. Dialectal behavioral therapy (DBT) with skills groups, art therapy and yoga therapy are also offered – all with a Health at Every Size® (HAES®) treatment philosophy. In addition to receiving evidence-based therapies, patients all have the opportunity to put “joyful” back into movement through yoga and other activities.
Dietary Program: Handling Eating Disorder Treatment with CARE
Healing, growth and a positive relationship with food is possible with the Center for Discovery Dietary Program. Our approach the CARE-CFD Model, which stands for “consistent attuned relational eating.” This means patients have the steadiness of a dietary plan that is adaptable to what’s happening in their life. The CARE-CFD Model embraces: trauma-focused nutrition therapy; collaboration between patients and the care team; responsiveness to the whole body, including being in tune with the nervous system; and weight inclusivity.
Insurances Accepted at CFD McLean
Insurances we accept include but are not limited to Employee Health Network (EHN), MCCP (Medical Cost Containment Professionals, LLC), OPTUM BH (PBH, UHC, UBH) and UNICARE – Beacon HS. Please remember that the insurances we accept change frequently. Our insurance team will verify your coverage.
*Health At Every Size® and HAES® are registered trademarks of the Association for Size Diversity and Health and used with permission.

Natalie Irvin, MD
Victoria Wendell, MA, Resident in Counseling
Miranda Yokum, MSW
LEAD THERAPISTHere’s What Patients Say After Completing Treatment*
- 97% can identify their triggers*
- 97% believe they can help themselves get better*
- 96% understand when to ask for help*
“This experience was life-changing.” – M.C., former patient at CFD McLean
“My time at CFD was completely individualized. I was welcomed into a supportive family, not just a treatment center.” – S.L., former patient at CFD McLean
“The staff here take a holistic view of health and work to address all aspects of eating disorder behaviors in a compassionate manner.” – A.S., former patient at CFD McLean
*Percentage includes adult and adolescent patients who admitted to the Center for Discovery program in 2021 (between 1/1/2021 and 12/31/2021) and completed the Recovery Assessment Scale (RAS, N=2,644). Average treatment range 41.3 days for those who completed treatment (did not discharge to higher level of care, due to insurance, against treatment advice transfer or administratively).
Support Group
This location provides free online eating disorder support groups. Our online support groups vary. Find out more about how to join our free support groups.