Is There Effective Help for Eating Disorders

Having a child that has been diagnosed with an eating disorder can be very stressful. You know that you are going to need to find professional help for eating disorders if your child is every going to get healthy again. The biggest question is whether or not the help that is available is going to be truly effective or if you are just going to be spinning your wheels.

There are no simple solutions to this problem and the help for eating disorders that is available today has a far better chance of success than at any time in the past. Any center that tells you that they guarantee your child will be successful is promising something that they should not be doing. While success rates today are very high, every patient is different and some may need more care than others in order to overcome their eating disorder.

At the Center for Discovery we offer help for eating disorders in children ages 10-19 and while we never guarantee our results, have an exceptionally high success rate helping children overcome their disorders.