When an alcohol use disorder is combined with disordered eating behaviors, it is a recipe for disaster. Drunkorexia is not a clinical term, but it is widely used by people who regularly replace eating food with drinking alcohol. The colloquial term drunkorexia is a combination of the word “drunk” (being intoxicated with alcohol) and “anorexia” (withholding food to maintain a certain weight). Skipping meals, excessively exercising and purging food are common ways people with drunkorexia aim to negate the calories consumed when drinking alcohol.

Although the DSM-5 does not recognize drunkorexia as a formal eating disorder or an alcohol abuse disorder, drunkorexia is widely recognized by the mental healthcare and eating disorder community as hazardous behavior.

Drunkorexia: A Worrisome Trend

Drunkorexia is a major concern for young adults. Eating less and drinking more is becoming a popular trend among young adults who enjoy socializing but who want to maintain a super thin body shape. Studies indicate that 39% to 46% of college students report intentionally restricting and altering eating behaviors before drinking alcohol. Up to 67% are restricting calories due to weight concerns.

And it’s not just the college kids. Studies have shown that approximately 30% of women in their early twenties are skipping meals so they can drink more. Drinking on an empty stomach not only raises your blood alcohol content at a faster rate but also can lead to dangerous alcohol-associated behaviors such as driving under the influence, violent assaults and uninhibited behaviors.

Drunkorexia is risky behavior.

Here’s why drunkorexia is so dangerous: if someone is not getting enough calories from food, but they are getting calories from alcohol, they are not receiving necessary nutrients. The result is a high risk for dehydration, vitamin depletion and other physical and mental health issues.

Those engaging in reduced eating and increased drinking may also be at risk for binge drinking, which is usually classified as four or more drinks in two hours for women or five or more drinks in two hours for men. People engaging in these dangerous behaviors are also at increased risk for unprotected sex, DUIs and hospitalization. On top of all that, drunkorexia is also known to increase the risk of developing an alcohol use disorder or eating disorder such as anorexia nervosa, binge eating disorder or bulimia nervosa.

Drunkorexia leads to higher rates of serious health concerns compared to people who drink and eat an appropriate amount of food beforehand and may include:

  • Blackouts
  • Alcohol poisoning
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Alcohol-related brain damage

In the long term, the risk for alcohol-related health conditions is increased and may include:

  • Liver disease
  • Osteoporosis
  • Cardiac problems
  • Diabetes
  • Dementia

Drunkorexia also affects your physical appearance. Alcohol eats up the body’s vitamins and nutrients, quickening the aging process. Reducing calories combined with binge drinking leads to acne-prone skin, nails and hair that are brittle and thin, dizziness, abdominal bloating and constipation. Drunkorexia might keep you from gaining weight, but in the end, a malnourished body means an unhealthy appearance.

Signs of Drunkorexia

People may start out with a single episode of drunkorexia, skipping a meal in order to drink a lot later that night. But this behavior can easily become a slippery slope to developing an eating disorder or an alcohol use disorder. Drinking on an empty stomach does make it easier to get drunk, and for many, alcohol may seem like an easy way to manage stress. While many falsely believe that getting drunk faster and consuming fewer calories is a win-win situation, it can severely harm the body over time.

If you or someone you care about has been drinking more and eating less, pay attention to their other behaviors, thoughts and habits. If you see any of the following symptoms, express your concern or seek treatment.

  • Worrying excessively about weight gain and body image
  • Frequent trips to the bathroom after meals to engage in self-induced vomiting
  • Engaging in extreme diets and excessive exercise regimens
  • Using laxatives or diuretics to lose weight
  • Eating excessive amounts of food within two hours followed by feelings of guilt
  • Low-self esteem
  • Depression
  • Poor coping skills
  • Feelings of inadequacy
  • Fear of losing control

At Center for Discovery, our clinicians are well-versed in working with people of all ages who have been struggling with eating disorders, alcohol use and other mental health symptoms. We celebrate diversity and welcome all who need our help. When you’re with us, you’re never alone in your journey to well-being. Once you complete treatment, you’ll have unlimited free access to our virtual support system Discovery for Life™.

You’ll also get Discovery365™, a  unique AI-powered 16-point interactive assessment and check-in program. With this revolutionary virtual safety net, we use breakthrough, proprietary technology to intervene when you need additional support during the most crucial time in recovery within the first year.

Contact us today to speak confidentially with one of our caring admissions counselors and discover how you’ve always had the power within yourself to overcome life’s challenges!

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